In line with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore’s (IRAS) initiative to improve tax submission process, payroll vendors are encouraged to provide API (Application Programming Interface) for direct submissions of employees’ income tax. Effective from Year of Assessment (YA) 2023, employers are strongly encouraged to use API-enabled payroll software, as the Auto-inclusion Scheme’s (AIS) offline application will be decommissioned by end 2022.
Available Modes of Submission for Employment Income via Payroll System
Up to Year of Assessment (YA) 2022: Auto-inclusion Scheme (AIS)
Employers have to prepare the employment income information in IRAS’s format through a payroll software, validate through AIS offline application process, and submit it to IRAS electronically. Employers who do not use payroll software may use the AIS offline application to prepare and submit employment income information to IRAS.
Effective from Year of Assessment (YA) 2023, AIS Offline Application / the Validation and Submission Application will no longer be available.
Starts from Year of Assessment (YA) 2022: AIS Application Programming Interface (API) Service or IRAS API
An API is a software intermediary that enables interaction of data between two applications. With the new API service, file validation will be integrated into a compatible payroll system where employment income information will be verified against IRAS’s validation logic, and seamlessly transfer the processed information to the tax portal.
IRAS API is available in now PayDay! HRMS, PayDay! SaaS and PayDay! Software. Stay tune to register for PayrollServe Year End Workshop refresher course.
How will this benefit employers?
Employers will get to enjoy the ease of and convenience in submitting income tax applications with a single log-in. Firms that use a payroll software with API feature will enable them to submit their IRAS forms without having to exit the payroll software.
IRAS API is available for PayDay! Solutions for YA2022
In year 2021, PayDay! has released the option for submission of employment income via AIS Application Programming Interface (API) Service - IRAS API to all PayDay! Solutions. If you have not participated for Year of Assessment (YA) 2022, do look out for our Year-end Workshop and guide on IRAS API submission.
One-stop Service for Your Business
PayrollServe specialises in meeting both basic and complex payroll and human resource (HR) administration needs in Asia. What differentiates us from our industry peers is our ability to offer web-based solutions with a personal touch. Our clients can, therefore, speak with our experts directly for professional advice.
Our suite of solutions are as follow:
To find out more and how we can assist you with your payroll and HR administration needs, feel free to reach out to us.
Last Updated on 05 Aug 2022