Effective 01 September 2023. Employment Pass applicants in addition to the respective qualifying salary, must pass the upcoming points based Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS).
What is the Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS)?
Metric by which applications are scored on four foundational criteria (1. Salary, 2. Qualifications, 3. Diversity in Firm, 4. Support for Local Employment).
Maximum points per foundational criterion is 20.

What is the Passing Requirement?
40 Points total are required to pass (10 points in all 4 foundational Criteria).
Points are awarded based on the following fulfilment:
Points per Foundational Criterion |
Assessment Outcome |
20 |
Exceeds Expectations |
10 |
Meets Expectations |
0 |
Does not meet expectations |
What is the Qualifying Salary to be met for Employment Passes 01 September 2022 onwards?
Sectors |
Revised Minimum Qualifying Salary (New Applications)
Wef. 01 Sept 2022 |
All Sectors except Financial Services |
(up to $10,500 for mid 40s aged candidates) |
Financial Services Sector |
(up to $11,500 for mid 40s aged candidates) |
**Applicable to renewal applications 01 Sept 2023 |
How are applicant qualifications assessed?
Employers are responsible for ensuring the veracity of the qualification.
Points |
Candidate Qualification |
20 |
Top-Tier Institution |
10 |
Degree-equivalent qualification |
0 |
No Degree-equivalent qualification |
Ministry of Manpower does not maintain a list of approved and accredited institutions. Instead MOM refers to global and country ranking of institutions.
To check if an institution is accredited, employers are encouraged to approach a global verification agency.
MOM listed global verification agencies
What does Degree-Equivalent qualification mean?
Foreign qualifications are assessed to be comparable to a bachelor’s degree per the UK system. Or professional qualifications which are industry recognized and endorsed by the relevant Singapore sector agency.
What if the Candidate has no formal qualifications?
COMPASS can still be passed by earning sufficient points in the other 3 criteria.
How will companies will be assessed on Diversity?
Candidates of a nationality which forms a small share of the company’s employees will be awarded more points. Ministry of Manpower encourages a diverse mix of nationalities to form an inclusive and resilient workforce. Applicant companies with fewer than 25 PMETs will be default scored at 10 points. PMETs are considered all employees earning $3,000 or more.
Points |
Percentage of Candidate’s Nationality in Applying Company |
20 |
Less than 5% |
10 |
5 to 25 % |
0 |
More than 25% |
How will companies be assessed on support for local employment?
Companies will earn more points if they have a higher share of local PMETs compared to peers in the same subsector.
Applying companies with fewer than 25 PMETs will be default scored at 10 points.
PMETs are considered all employees earning $3,000 or more.
What is the Bonus Criterion for Skills Bonus (Shortage Occupation List (SOL)? (Optional Criterion)
Given limited local workforce, the demand for skilled roles will also need to be met by complementary foreign manpower.
The Shortage Occupation List is determined by a tripartite evaluation process.
Occupations will be considered based on:
- Relevance to Singapore Economic Priorities
- Severity and nature of labour shortage
- Sector progress in developing local labour
- The first shortage list is targeted for release in March 2023
How will companies be assessed on the Strategic Economic Priorities criterion? (Optional Criterion)
To qualify, companies must be participating in selected programmes run by respective economic agencies for meet specific assessments and show commitment to developing the local workforce.
Examples of programmes included in the criterion:
- Enterprise Singapore (ESG), Scale-Up SG, to help high growth local companies scale effectively and become future global champions
- Economic Development Board (EDB), Research and Innovation Scheme for Companies (RIC(C)), which anchors Singapore technology development and innovation.
Who is exempted from COMPASS?
- Those earning $20,000 or more fixed monthly salary
- Overseas Intra-Corporate Transferee under the World Trade Organisations’s General Agreement on trade in services or any applicable Free Trade Agreement which Singapore is a signatory
- Short term role of 1 month or less
Additional resources:
MOM Updates to EP qualifying criteria
Eligibility for Employment Pass (mom.gov.sg)
List of MOM listed global verification agencies
Fair Consideration Framework (FCF)