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Technology Consulting Service


Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service


Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service (CTO-as-a-Service) is an initiative under the SMEs Go Digital Programme by IMDA that enables Small and Medium- sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Singapore to self-assess their digital readiness and needs at any time and from anywhere, access market-proven and cost-effective digital solutions, as well as engage digital consultants for in-depth digital transformation strategy advisory and project management services.

CTO-as-a-Service is an initiative by  

Infocomm Media Development Authority


Enjoy Complimentary Digital Consultancy Services 

The digital consultancy services are provided at no cost to eligible SMEs, for the first Digital Advisory service, followed by the first Project Management support.


Eligibility criteria

  • Registered and operating in Singapore;
  • Minimum of 30% local shareholding;
  • Group sales turnover not more than S$100 million per annum, OR group employment not more than 200 employees; and
  • Have not taken up any CTO-as-a-Service digital consultancy services previously.


Helping Asia Excel to reduce order processing time across their eCommerce stores from three days to half an hour with the adoption of an omni-channel solution.

Phase 1

Digital Advisory 


Risk Advisory Innovation


Working with you to assess your business needs and find suitable digital solution.

Digital needs analysis, digital solutions recommendations, basic cybersecurity, basic data usage, and protection advisory.

Phase 2

Project Management Support


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Co-managing the implementation of your selected digital solution with your solutions vendor.
Project implementation planning, project risk and issues advisory, workflow optimisation and alignment, and change management.

CTOs for hire help SMEs save time in going digital, meet cyber-security needs 


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Why RSM?

Simplify. Clarify. Advise.


RSM CTOaaS - Advisors for Growing Businesses

Advisors for Growing Businesses

We have a strong track record of over 35 years in helping SMEs at every stage of their growth from Start Up to Build Up to Scale Up.

RSM CTOaaS - Digital-first Mindset

Digital-first and Security Mindset

We understand SME priorities and challenges, and deliver cost-effective digital strategies for continuous innovation, growth and security.

RSM CTOaaS - Industry Specialists

Technical and Industry Specialist

Reply on us to cut through the digital complexities for practical solutions for that competitive edge over your peers.

How can we help?

Complete this form and an RSM Stone Forest representative will be in touch.

Interested to explore IMDA's CTO-as-a-Service ?