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Foreign Businesses

Payroll & HR Services for Foreign Businesses

Payroll Outsourcing

PayrollServe specialises in meeting basic to complex payroll and HR Administration needs of businesses in Singapore. We support your organisation with the full range of scalable payroll and HR Management solutions. Whether it is managing the payroll of your entire staff force, or the confidential data of your management team, our dedicated in-house team based in Singapore is on hand to provide expert consultation and support. 

By outsourcing your payroll and HR administration to PayrollServe, your HR team is able to focus on improving rather than managing existing business operations.







HR Services

While HR may not be core to your business, it is uniquely core to ours. PayrollServe develops customised HR services for you based on the type of workforce you have and the specific needs of your business.

Available Services: HR Foundation, HR Helpline, HR Admin Support, HR Advisory



Better Assurance in Protecting Your HR/Payroll Data


SSAE 18 Compliant ABS OSPAR Payment Services Licence

SSAE 18 compliance is a testimony that PayrollServe has adequate controls and safeguards in place to host and process the data of its clients.

SSAE 3000 (ABS OSPAR Attestation) indicates that the Outsourced Service Provider (OSP) has policies, procedures and controls to meet the stringent requirements of the Association of Banks of Singapore (ABS).

Payment Services Act 2019 (“PS Act”) PayrollServe is regulated under Payment Services Act 2019 Lic. No.: PS20200473

How can we help?

Complete this form and an RSM Stone Forest representative will be in touch.