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RSM Stone Forest Client

Falcon Energy Group Limited

Quick Overview of Falcon Energy Group Limited

Streamlining Payroll: FEG’s Success with PayDay! Software


No. of Employees

Oil & Gas


PayDay! Software

Product /Service

Customer Testimonials

"With PayDay!, I can run payroll in a matter of seconds and be confident that we stay fully compliant with CPF and IRAS regulations.

Shirley Soh - Falcon Energy Group Limited


Running payroll each month across all four of the Group’s companies used to be a timeconsuming process for payroll officer Shirley Soh. “We had no payroll software, so I had to manually calculate and process all salaries at the month end,” Shirley explained. “My calculations had to be thoroughly checked by all four HR managers before I could release the pay run each month.” Significant time and man-hours had to be spent checking Shirley’s figures.



With a view to simplifying the payroll process and ensuring regulatory compliance, FEG decided to adopt PayDay! Payroll Management Software, making the running of payroll every month a cinch.

With employee and salary details stored within the system, Shirley now simply has to confirm that salary records are up to date and any overtime payments are recorded for the month before she submits the payroll for approval. The software automatically calculates the CPF payments, including Skills Development Levy (SDL) and statutory contributions. Shirley no longer has to worry about logging CPF rate changes or checking employee ages for CPF rate compliance. PayDay! takes care of all the calculations automatically.

As a result, FEG has been able to eliminate a large portion of the payroll checking process and free up time for its four HR managers, who now simply need to check only Shirley’s manual inputs.

Already loving how PayDay! made the payroll process so much easier, Shirley came to appreciate the simplicity of PayDay! even more at the year end when she found that she could process the employees’ IR8A forms in less than a minute — a procedure that used to take her half a day or more. PayDay! simply drew the data from the historical pay records it stored for the year to populate the forms for each employee. All Shirley had to do was press “print”.

Because PayDay! is so easy to use, additional staff can also be trained to run it in Shirley’s absence — there is no need to sacrifice holiday leave at the month end or pop into the office while on MC just to run payroll.

Falcon Energy Group Limited had engaged with this Business Units:

Shirley Soh - Payroll Officer, Falcon Energy Group Limited

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Having walked the path with many growing businesses and being a home-grown enterprise ourselves, we understand the evolving needs and pains of businesses from start-ups to large enterprises.