The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to accelerate digital adoption and this trend will not slow down in the foreseeable future. While technology has greatly aided businesses in an increasingly digital-based normal, the rapid changeover has also left businesses exposed to new challenges.
Many businesses lack a structured and sustainable IT management approach that addresses the cybersecurity, and compliance challenges digital transformation brings. To thrive in this post-COVID world, it is therefore critical to re-examine ones Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) to maximise the value IT brings to the business and minimise IT risks.
Understanding TCO
Do you know 80% of total IT costs occur after the initial purchase? (Gartner)
Investopedia defines TCO as the purchase price and the operating cost of a product. Gartner states that for IT, TCO includes hardware and software acquisition, management and support, end-user expenses, the opportunity cost of downtime, training and, other productivity losses.
Most people focus only on the upfront IT costs and neglect the other indirect key components that would add up over time. This simplistic understanding of TCO often leads to over-inflated expectations of benefits and frustrations from hidden costs.
Importance of TCO Analysis
A TCO analysis helps businesses differentiate between short-term (purchase price) and long-term (TCO) costs of a product or service. It helps make an informed decision when selecting the right option from multiple alternatives. In general, a lower and stable TCO offers better value in the long run.
As you jump on the digital bandwagon for survival, it should not distract you from the constant need to align IT to business needs and question the ROI. Even before the pandemic, businesses that had an accurate handle on TCO were more agile and prepared for unexpected surprises and demands.
Re-examining TCO in IT Management
Technology investments have wide impact and must not be considered lightly, especially now when prudence is key. While the components of TCO may vary depending on your industry and business needs, be sure to consider the following while analysing the TCO for your IT management strategy.