China Business Advisory
Hong Kong Corporate Secretarial Services
We guide and advise private and listed companies on compliance with relevant rules and regulations in Hong Kong. From filing of annual returns, reporting of corporate changes to the Companies Registry, renewal of Business Registration Certificate to preparation of Annual General Meetings (“AGM”) of shareholders, we provide company secretarial services to help you fulfil your company’s statutory obligations under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and meet company registration requirements set by the Hong Kong Companies Registry.
One-stop establishment services for companies:
- Hong Kong private companies
- BVI companies
- Cayman Islands companies
- Samoa companies
- Seychelles companies
Our services:
Private companies
- Hold AGM
- Prepare and file annual return
- Register office address
- Designate representative for Significant Controller Register (“SCR”)
Listed companies
- Named secretary and authorised representative
- Announce annual results, publish annual report, and hold AGM
- Develop corporate governance report
- General mandates for repurchase and issuance of shares
- Announce interim results and publish interim report
- Meetings pursuant to the CG code
- Monthly return
- Statutory filing with the Hong Kong Companies Registry
- Register interest and index books established under Part XV of the SFO
- Consultation and guidance